Help Fix My Truck!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It Finally Happened

I was at the store picking up something to treat my poison ivy after work. When I got into my truck to leave I put it in reverse to back out of my spot and I felt a jolt. I got out to see if I hit someone because it was an unusual feeling. Of course there wasn't anything behind the truck, but when I tried to back out again I realized that noise was the sound of my transmission crapping out. I had to wait for the person that parked in front of me to leave so I could drive home because at least I can drive forward, I just can't go in reverse. I had to drive around the block and park in front of my house, that way it will be easier to leave in the morning to drop it off at a mechanic.

Otherwise I had a great day!

Want to donate to help get my truck fixed?

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