Help Fix My Truck!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great News!

I have termites!
We had a local pest company visit our residence today to conduct an inspection and put our house under contract because we have found an insignificant infestation. Termites suck! I've always thought that I would be able to recognize the early warning signs of termites around my house because I'm the one that takes care of the landscaping; however, it was my wife that found the mud trail they use to get inside the house!
She immediately came to get me, as she always does, to come look at what she found. I'm thankful that she was in the garden pulling weeds and planting flowers because otherwise I never would have noticed the mud trail in the corner of our slab which was covered by a plant.
The company that came out to do an inspection gave us a discount to drill holes and treat for these pests because we had them spray inside the house and in the attic.
I never considered calling professionals to do this kind of job because I thought only those that could not do for themselves called others for help. Now I realize how naive I was and luckily the damage is minuscule.
The lesson learned? Insects outnumber us, call for reinforcements.
What's the Great News? We caught it just in time and the whole situation could have been far worse than not recognizing the pesky termites. I owe my wife a debt of grattitude.

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