Help Fix My Truck!

Friday, May 21, 2010

End of a Long Day

I'm looking forward to Monk Night at the house, a combination of movie-junk food night that my daughter and wife have started. The girls pick out the movie and we all eat something that isn't necessarily healthy, but it's once a week so I'm going to pick out some ice cream on my way home from work.

As it turns out, the transmission will cost $1,400 to replace at R&R here in Slidell.
Not quite as bad as the first estimate but more than I anticipated. In a way I was hoping to just go out and buy a toy car to drive around, something like a 1995 Toyota Tercel. One that gets great gas mileage and has a little rice grinder engine.

More good news;the poison ivy is healing so I don't plan to wear long pants and long sleeve shirts around the house. Next week I'll be back in the gym and running the streets!

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