Help Fix My Truck!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A New Addition

Today we visited Mike and Amy at Woman's Hospital. Their new baby Sanders is just perfect. Hopefully they will decide on a name before they leave the hospital.
Jeffrey, Sarah, and my girls ate dinner at Hunan off Sherwood Forest Blvd and it was great.
Looking forward to training tomorrow with Mark and going to Biloxi on Thursday!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Finally a day off

I am finished with homework! No work today and it's pouring down rain so we are stuck in the house. At least I get to spend some time playing with my girls. We were planning to have Merlin and His wife over to work on my truck but looks like the weather wants us to go to the mall instead.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

iPhone Tuesday

Tell me something. Why do you need to have the iPhone4 the first day it comes out? How does your life suck so bad that you'll curse at my sales associates because you had to wait to place an order? I can always handle getting yelled at... However, my reps don't deserve to be treated like this for any reason.
I wonder how things would be different had the computer systems not shut down?

Is that our fault too????

All of the excitement around the office gets us happy, puts in a great mood. But there's so much negativity surrounding the launch date and supply is short. I can't wait to Get the bugs out of the system and kick it in the ass.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Suck Ass Monday

Today was the worst day I've had at work in a long time.
I'm exausted and can't wait to get to sleep.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Watching "the road", a very sad movie. I'm going to attempt to repair the leather seat in my truck armed with a Do it Yourself kit and YouTube videos. Maybe I'll post some pictures.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Homework Tuesday (cont)

So today turned out to be a good day after all. We watched a movie this evening after I returned from the gym. I love my girls.
Aunt Molly went back home last night; we actually had a good time despite everyone getting sick. I look forward to the next visit because I worked the whole weekend and didn't get much time with the family.
I love the summer time. It's almost midnight and we're playing in bed. Sophia is singing with us now. Life is good.

Homework Tuesday

As usual, I'm stuck in the office working on assignments for school on my day off instead of taking my daughter to the park or playing outside.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Killing Time

Sitting at Starbucks drinking coffee on my lunch break is all I could think to do. The store is slow and that makes the day seem to drag along.
I cancelled the meeting for this morning and didn't realize that I was scheduled to work at 10:30, so after an hour at work I left to go workout.
Today is a day for complaints at the office. Who are these people that go out in public to raise a fuss and expect to be treated with kindness? I think these people work for themselves. Those usually are the bossiest/ demanding customers.
Does anyone have a story to share about being treated like dirt at work? I'd like to hear some.

Friday, May 28, 2010


We are having my sister-in-law over to the house for a few days with her daughter. My house has never been so clean!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Made a run to the store tonight for beer. Now I'm watching Alton Brown make sushi on the Food Network.
This guy is amazing and he makes me want to eat everything.
Mark Sommers not so much.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Although I don't care much for regular television, I love to watch Chuck. I'm not the kind of person that can't wait to watch the next episode, I like to fill up the DVR and watch a few at a time. Adam Baldwin is the man!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Movie night last night was a bust. The Spy Next Door is a horrible waste of 90 minutes. Now that the girls are asleep wr are watching The Da Vinci Code. I'm not into it but that's what the wife wants to see.
My poison ivy is still itchy. I can't wait for it to be healed so I can get back into the gym.
Now we're watching Angels and Demons. Hope this is better.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Movie Night

We're just now getting started watching a movie 'The Spy Next Door'. I sure hope it's good.
Didn't have dinner tonight since I was letting the dogs out at my brothers house. Now I'm starving and crave pizza.
I'm so fortunate to have my brothers car to get around while the Tahoe in being fixed.
It's so nice that the kids are out of school and I don't need to get up at 6am every morning to get ready for school.
Check this out.

Friday, May 21, 2010

End of a Long Day

I'm looking forward to Monk Night at the house, a combination of movie-junk food night that my daughter and wife have started. The girls pick out the movie and we all eat something that isn't necessarily healthy, but it's once a week so I'm going to pick out some ice cream on my way home from work.

As it turns out, the transmission will cost $1,400 to replace at R&R here in Slidell.
Not quite as bad as the first estimate but more than I anticipated. In a way I was hoping to just go out and buy a toy car to drive around, something like a 1995 Toyota Tercel. One that gets great gas mileage and has a little rice grinder engine.

More good news;the poison ivy is healing so I don't plan to wear long pants and long sleeve shirts around the house. Next week I'll be back in the gym and running the streets!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Transmission

It's going to cost $2600 for a new transmission.
Looks like I'm going to be down to one car for the family until I can figure something out.

On the bright side, I found a website that helps reconnect people with unclaimed property/ money.

I don't know how much it is but they're going to send me because the State of Louisiana won't disclose that information on the website; however, Texas does and I'm owed a check from eBay for $3.86!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It Finally Happened

I was at the store picking up something to treat my poison ivy after work. When I got into my truck to leave I put it in reverse to back out of my spot and I felt a jolt. I got out to see if I hit someone because it was an unusual feeling. Of course there wasn't anything behind the truck, but when I tried to back out again I realized that noise was the sound of my transmission crapping out. I had to wait for the person that parked in front of me to leave so I could drive home because at least I can drive forward, I just can't go in reverse. I had to drive around the block and park in front of my house, that way it will be easier to leave in the morning to drop it off at a mechanic.

Otherwise I had a great day!

Want to donate to help get my truck fixed?

Lesson Learned

Today I found out the hard way that if you drop an Eclipse Big-E Pak on the ground the pieces of gum spread out all over the floor.
I'm sure nobody will ask me for a piece of gum any time soon.

Poison Ivy

What is the best way to cure poison ivy?
I've got it on my arms and legs, a tell tale sign that spring is here.
It seems that every time I go into the woods behind my house I come back with poison ivy somewhere on my body and it's hard to get rid of it.
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great News!

I have termites!
We had a local pest company visit our residence today to conduct an inspection and put our house under contract because we have found an insignificant infestation. Termites suck! I've always thought that I would be able to recognize the early warning signs of termites around my house because I'm the one that takes care of the landscaping; however, it was my wife that found the mud trail they use to get inside the house!
She immediately came to get me, as she always does, to come look at what she found. I'm thankful that she was in the garden pulling weeds and planting flowers because otherwise I never would have noticed the mud trail in the corner of our slab which was covered by a plant.
The company that came out to do an inspection gave us a discount to drill holes and treat for these pests because we had them spray inside the house and in the attic.
I never considered calling professionals to do this kind of job because I thought only those that could not do for themselves called others for help. Now I realize how naive I was and luckily the damage is minuscule.
The lesson learned? Insects outnumber us, call for reinforcements.
What's the Great News? We caught it just in time and the whole situation could have been far worse than not recognizing the pesky termites. I owe my wife a debt of grattitude.

First Blog

I've decided to start blogging after watching a movie with my wife called Julia and Julia. The title for my blog came from my oldest daughter's journal entry describing a hypothetical restaurant, she called it 'The Good Stuff'.
My wife and I were reading the journals sent home recently because this school year is coming to a close and the classroom is being cleaned out. I'm blown away by the progress she has made this year evident by reading the journal entries from the beginning of the year till now. Even her penmanship is astounding. Some say that public schools won't be teaching children to write cursive, is this true?

Since we'll be homeschooling her next year I am anxious to see how well it turns out.
Public school is scary and private school is expensive. I hope this works.